11 April 2008

Where in the world are Kurt and Esther?

Suffice it to say, not Paris! Esther's here on work and I'm here as her executive assistant (not a bad gig if you can get it) and we're staying until Sunday. It's in Europe, but not the euro zone. If you already know the answer, don't go posting it in the comments. For the others, here are a couple of photographic clues:

Looks like an airport...

Something familiar, but not quite...

Seems like they have a metro...

Look! It says Manhattan! But I don't think that they dress like that in Manhattan...

Cloudy, with some industry in the back...

A circular public library, how Asplund-like...

That's a big hint. A Volvo limousine. There can only be so many countries where that would be considered a good idea.

A sampler plate of herring with boiled dill potatoes on the side. Another sizable hint...

Massive quantities of salmon. Enough said...

A happy guy wearing a crown? The royal logo? Hard to say...

A duck! But maybe that's just a canard...

That's what the youth looks like in these parts. Note the skinny jeans and blond hair...

Mmmm... Dagens Lunch, a gift from on high...


  1. Anonymous4:26 PM

    The royal logo looks like the King of Town from Homestar. Hope you guys are having fun. -Mike

  2. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Holland, Michigan!

