04 May 2007

Long Time, No Post

Sorry to all of you that have been checking this from time to time, things got a little busy and I didn't have much time or motivation to direct toward updating this. Be not afraid, I have plenty to post about and plenty of pictures in particular so just you wait, there is much to come!

As for now, I imagine that a general update will suffice. Things are going well. I'm done with my job and have only a few weeks left in my class. It's a truism, but the time really has passed quickly. My time right now is mainly directed toward preparing for the LSAT. This is going pretty well, but I'm not yet satisfied with my scores, this being some five weeks from the test date.

Also I want to say congratulations to all those who have finished another year of college, particularly those who graduated. Enjoy your summer, do something new.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:20 AM

    So what's the mood in France as a result of the election?
